Thursday, September 16, 2010

I've never met a milkshake I didn't like....except maybe this one I am gonna try thats made of grass....

So, I am 2.5 weeks into this diet and still love it!!  I lost those wonderful pounds that first week, but haven't seen the scale move since....however, i've seen the tape measure move and my clothes feel better so I am ok.  Also, my problem last week hasn't been "remedied", and once that does, i should be down a pound or 3.  So we will see...
Now, my big question is:  whats all this hype about the Amazing Grass Chocolate somethin somethin somethin?  I've read all about it...and all reviews (believe me, I have read 34 reviews) say it tastes GREAT!!  Now, lets get one thing straight.....It took ALOT of chocolate to get me to my current weight, as well as Little Debbie Snack Cakes (OMG, I would bathe in Fancy Cakes if allowed) so you can't go tellin me something tastes just like chocolate...and then it taste like crap.  So tell me, blogland, does this stuff taste good?  Have any of you tried the kid version?  What do you mix yours with?  I am also purchasing a personal blender (kinda like the magic bullet thing on the infomercials) to make smoothies and protein drinks.  I am just apprehensive to purchase this huge container of said "wonderful chocolate grass" and it taste, well,  like grass and not like chocolate.  Does it help in your digestion and can you tell a difference in your energy?  Be honest and help a chunky girl out!  Thanks!


  1. I wish I could help Ms. Chunky but I am glad you posted something about this because I too have read alot about that green stuff as well. I alway love your post they make me laugh for the day. Keep up the great work.

  2. HI Rachel, I have never tasted that either. I looked at the nutritional facts on the back and decided not to. Maybe its the lack of fiber that has caused a stand still on the weight loss. I love chocolate also, but don't know if I would bathe in it. Just eat-eat-eat it. Well, not any more.:-) have a great weekend.

  3. I started drinking the following and it has helped my "back up issues" greatly! 1 scoop of Jay Robbs chocolate whey protein, 1 scoop of Super Seeds, 8-12 oz of Unsweetened Almond Milk. Add all in a blender with ice (cubes vary according thickness desired)and blend thoroughly. I'm loving it and it's helping tremendously! Hope this helps... (thanks Rosalie for the Super Seed endorsement!)

  4. Amazing Grass is great,I really liked it. I also dont mind just plain wheat grass, so keep that in mind! ;-) It is different than Protein powder, think of it as a vitamin shake and it has tons of prebiotic goodness in it for our digestive systems.

    I had Jorge's Bug Juice for many months before I tried the Amazing Grass. It was gross at first, but then I loved it. It definitely gave me energy and a boost.

    Let us know what you think if you try it!
