Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pour Some Splenda on Me....

So this is my first blog. The only reason I am on here is to follow a few blogs I have found in the last few days.  You see, I have started a journey into the unknown.  A place that I thought I could never exist happily....that's right....that place is Low-carb-ville.  3 days ago, my hubs and I started "The Belly Fat Cure" by Jorge Cruise.  It is essentially a "lifestyle" in which you watch your sugar and carb intake.  A lifestyle I thought "surely I will cheat within the first 4 hours", a lifestyle I thought "surely I will kill the first co-worker who brings in a donut and eats it in front of me"...but surprisingly, it's been a lifestyle that has left me full and satisfied.
You see, I am a diet junky.  I have tried them all.  I believe I dabbled in a diet pill long ago, tried Weight Watchers and Hungry Girl, Atkins....all left me really pissed off by the end of day 1.  I have never been successful on any of them.  Well, I take that back...I have been successful on 2 diets.  One was called the "my wisdom teeth are coming in and it hurts to eat" diet, the other called "The Divorce Diet".  Both were successful in getting the pounds off but eventually the first diet was replaced with "my wisdom teeth don't hurt anymore, pass the McDonald's" diet, and the second was replaced by "I got re-married to a man who can cook the hell outta anything and loves to feed me" diet.  So here I am...happy in my marriage, sad in my waistband.
So, what I plan to do is post some awesome recipes and advice I have found to help me in my journey into the unknown....a life with limited sugars...a life of no Wonder bread and Ghiradelli brownies. My dad is diabetic and I don't want to be but I am/was on that path.  I'm hoping that through diet and resouceful blogs and postings I find, I can pave a different path....a path that will make me look good in clothes again.

Some rules to live by if you read this:

1.  I ain't write no good.  Meaning, I write like I talk.  So if you plan to sit down with a red marker and underline every misplaced comma, run-on sentence, dangling participle, non-capitalized letter...just know you need to keep some windex handy because your computer screen is gonna be covered by the time you are done.
2. I use "..." alot.
3.  I cuss...alot.


  1. lol Loved your first post! Welcome to Blogville! Looks like you're going to fit right in just fine! (even if you have an occasional dangling participle!!!)

  2. LOL I like how you talk. You're funny! I will definitely be following your blog.
